Monday, 9 April 2012

Chemotherapy, Day One

Mom's first day of chemo was a very long one. Each round is four weeks. She goes in for a few hours on one day (this round it is on Fridays) each of the first three weeks, and then she has one week of break before the next round starts.

On the first day of each round she visits with an RN, so that day is longer than usual.

For some reason last Friday mom's RN visit was scheduled four hours before her actual chemo infusion. Thus she went in at 11 and didn't get home until after 5. It made for a very long and unpleasant day, but the chemo itself was not too bad. She was feeling well enough afterwards to eat some IN-N-Out and hang out with the family.

Some points to pray for:

That the chemo works and the tumor shrinks!

That she would tolerate the drugs well with few side effects.

That her veins would be easy to find when the nurses need to place the IV.

That the blisters in her mouth (chemo side effect) would heal.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Also, please pray that her red and white blood cells and levels of the other things they measure in her blood stay high enough for her to continue receiving treatment each week.