Thursday, 7 April 2011

Quick Update

We've moved rooms again. This is move number four, and hopefully the last one. Now we are living in the "apartment"- we have our own room but share a bathroom and sitting room with another family. Our bedroom is not air-conditioned, but our sitting room is, so it is pretty sweet. Also, we get a few bars of wifi in the front room, and it is really nice to not have to skype in the heat.

The last few days have been low-key. We had to cancel our orphanage trip on Wednesday because our escorts had important business to do- get someone from the airport and get the final paperwork for a family going home. Instead we sat around the house on Wednesday and then again today, because our escort had to go to the airport again. We have been pretty bored, but things should be picking up tomorrow- we are taking lunch to orphanage "B" again, and hopefully going out to dinner.

As for coming home- our paperwork has to go through the equivalent of USCIS in Mtoto's country. This averages ten to fourteen business days (we started Wednesday). Without getting into the boring details, the paperwork is shuffled through a number of offices, and we are praying that it will be in the "second step" as of tomorrow. The "first step" is usually fairly quick.

Jeff will arrive early next week (please pray that he gets his entry visa in time!), and I will head for home. I am really looking forward to seeing him and for him to meet Mtoto! At this point I feel like I could definitely finish out the trip if it was necessary, but I am really glad I don't have to.

Mtoto is doing fine. He has a little congestion, which seems to be disturbing his (and my) sleep. Since we have had some free time on our hands, I've decided to teach him some tricks. We are currently working on rolling over, because according to guidelines for hyper-achieving US infants, he should have been doing it months ago. I'm positive that before he met me he had never ever been placed on his stomach before. So, we have been gradually introducing "tummy time" so that he can strengthen his arm muscles for crawling. He rolled over today for the first time that I have ever seen, so that was exciting.


Sweet Apron said...

LOVE reading your blog! Yay for baby tricks!

mary said...
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Jeanine said...

I sure hope that is your last room move Amy! Praying that Jeff gets the docs he needs!

Sarah said...

I hope it is your last move as well, but Yay for air conditioning!!!
Good job rolling over today little Mtoto! What a big day. Something for the baby book!