Saturday, 5 May 2012

Update on Mary: The Good News and the Bad News

We'll start with the good news, because it is really good. Every month Mom's cancer marker (CA-19) is tested, and this month her number was down! That means at the very least her tumor is being contained by the chemo! Even better, it COULD mean that her tumor is shrinking - which is what we are really hoping. The bad news is also pretty bad. Mom's white blood counts were too low to do chemo this week. In order for the chemo to keep working she needs to be able to actually get the drugs. White blood count is a tricky thing, because there isn't much she can do to change it. As the chemo drugs circulate in her body they attack the cancer, but they also get her bone marrow as well, which effects her blood production and lowers her white blood cells. Other than feeling discouraged about not being able to get chemo, mom is doing really well. She is housebound because of her low blood count, which is never fun, but since Kenny has to avoid crowds too she has company.

Please join us in praying for an increase in Mom's white blood cells so she can resume chemo treatments next week. Pray that mom stays healthy (we have a few colds circulating in our house) and avoids infections. Also, please continue to pray for her tumor to shrink, her pain to decrease, and her energy to increase. As always, we appreciate your prayers so much. We are so thankful to have all of you praying alongside us. I apologize for the lack of updates this week - obviously this week has been a little more hectic than most, what with the baby arriving and all. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things...slowly.

Tommy likes to fancy himself a photographer these days. Most of his "compositions" are blurry pictures of Hotwheels cars, but he actually got a pretty good one of mom this week:

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