Sunday, 20 April 2014

Mary's Slide Show

Happy Easter!

We've been asked to post the slide show from Mom's service on Saturday, because it was a little hard for those in the back to see. We are working on getting the audio for the entire service and will post that as soon as we can.

We are so thankful for the tremendous amount of support we received on Saturday. It was truly a beautiful testimony to Mom's life.


B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

I've just read the news. So much love to your family, Amy.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful tribute to a strong, vivacious and beautiful lady. So sorry we couldn't make the service - we were on our way to our new home in Alabama. Love and best wishes to all the family.

Martyn & Debbie

Honey said...

This is beautiful... I searched for a horseradish bread and butter pickle recipe but wound up spending three hours reading every post of your blog. You are an amazing mama, and I am so sorry that you just lost your mama. Hugs.