Monday, 7 April 2014


I thought I would post an update on how things are going, because, well, everyone has been asking. We are managing. Right now Dad and I are home, Emily is over almost every day to help out, and Kevin is around as much as his work and school schedule permit. Katie is wrapping some things up and heading in soon. We are all looking forward to being together.

We are all focused on enjoying as much time with mom as she can give us, but she is very weak and tired most of the time. Because she has become so sick so quickly, and because she needs to guard her health very carefully to be able to spend time with Katie, Mom really is no longer able to see anyone outside of our family at this time. She so appreciates all of the calls and notes expressing a desire to see her and say goodbye (and had hoped she would be able to), but she simply can't. She is also not really able to read or respond to email or Facebook messages because reading at length on the computer strains her eyes. She is still able to read notes and cards, so if you did have something to communicate with her please drop it in the mail (or the mailbox) and we will absolutely make sure she gets it. She has really been encouraged by the things so many of you have already taken the time to share with her.

Please continue to pray that Mom's pain would be well managed (she is still in a great deal of pain), and that we would find the right balance of medications to make her comfortable.

Pray for quality time with our family, pray for peace for all of us as we grieve, and please say an extra prayer for our kids (Tommy, Nic, Kenny, Owen, and JP) as they are all able to recognize that something is wrong in their lives, but have different abilities to understand and process what is happening.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. Even though we know Mom will be with the Lord, and that soon her pain will end, it is so hard for us, and I can't imagine how difficult it would be without your help.


Vickie said...

Thank you so much Amy for keeping us posted on your Mom and family. You are all very special to me even though I live far away. How I appreciate you letting us into your lives with this blog. Praying you feel God's presence, peace and His ever loving arms wrapped around you during this time. Praying that Mary can be relieved of this endless pain that can make you so weary. Lots of Love, Vickie Ghent

Robin said...

The thought came to me this morning that we who remain for now are indebted to those who have gone before us. Whether it is a person who has been a positive roll model and is still with us or those who have gone on and await a grand reunion. "Heros of faith who this world is not worthy of" the author of Hebrews tell us. Our abiding love to Mary and all of you. Uncle David.

Unknown said...

Hi, I am Ashley's Aunt Glenna - I have known Mary almost my whole life - and always thought she was the most awesome person one could know.

My Cousin recently lost her 27 year old daughter....I sent this to her - I now realize - it is for everyone. So I thought I would send it to you - and all of Mary's family. God Bless you all.

"I'll lend to you for a little time, a child of mine," God said, “For you to love while she lives, and mourn for when she's dead. It may be six or seven years or fifty-two or three, but will you, till I call her back, take care of her for me?"
"We'll shelter her with tenderness, we'll love her while we may, and for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay. And should the angels call for her much sooner than we've planned, we'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand."

You are the strongest family.... Love and peace to you all.
