Sunday, 17 June 2012

The Best Fathers

I wish I had time to write a proper post to honor my two favorite dads - mine, and my husband. But, I have had very little time for reflection these days, and even less for writing, so this will have to be short and sweet even though they deserve so much more.

I am so thankful that I have a dad who loves God, who enjoyed spending time with us, who writes the best songs in the world about anything from our family to macaroni to dinosaurs, who read countless books, told creative stories, and who always showed my mom the utmost love and respect. His example showed me what to look for in a husband, and I am so thankful that I found Jeff, who possess all those same great qualities and provides and excellent example for our children to follow. I have been so blessed.

Happy Father's Day to my two favorite dads!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hey Amy. So nice of you to honor your dad and your children's dad today. Uncle David