Thursday, 12 January 2012

Maternity Madness

In two weeks I will officially be more pregnant than I have ever been, and it will be all new territory from there on out. However, my body already feels more pregnant than I ever felt with Leah, I think because I am now bigger than I ever was last pregnancy (and I probably have been fore 2 to 3 weeks now). I am happy to report that I still have a belly button, for now, and as of yet no varicose veins. I am unhappy to report that the whole "carrying low" thing is extremely unpleasant already. I thought the second trimester was supposed to be the honeymoon period of one's pregnancy, with morning sickness a thing of the past (true) and aches and pains and sleepless nights yet to come. Instead, I have a child that spends all day bouncing up and down on my bladder. Even when I don't have to go the bathroom I feel like I need to, and I am learning to live with the feeling, because it is annoying to run to the bathroom every fifteen minutes and realize that it was for nothing. Also, my hips are starting to ache, I think they may be working on the whole spreading apart thing, that or the little mister using them for his acrobatics. I am fairly convinced that at this point my uterus/placenta are not properly migrating because nothing feels like it is moving upwards and there is no more room for it to grow down unless it decides to travel down one of my legs (writing that reminded me of the old female moodiness/mental illness being caused by a wandering uterus school of medicine, and while that theory is obviously ridiculous I have also always thought that it was a funny). I am convinced that I have gained tons of weight in the last few weeks because I am much bigger, so now I will resume more normal eating habits lest my doctor tell me to lose weight next appointment. Thank you wheel of brie, wedge of cranberry wensleydale, berry pie a la mode, double doubles, mayonaise, and popcornopolis zebra corn, you have done your job well.

I am feeling much better about things since our twenty week ultrasound. I still have moments panic over the possibility that the doctors were wrong (ultrasound diagnosis is never 100 percent), or when I remember that are a bunch of other things that could go wrong, or if I haven't felt the baby move in a while, but overall things are much better. I was able to maintain my sanity whilst shopping for maternity clothes- an activity that almost sent me over the edge the first time I tried it at about 14 weeks. In fact, that night was probably the worst night of sleep I have gotten this entire pregnancy. This time I was able to shop without anxiety, which was a nice change. Well, I had some anxiety since apparently I am too tall for the "short" jeans and too short for the "regular" jeans, so now I have to get myself to the tailor and have my maternity pants hemmed pronto because my regular jeans held on by a rubber band are just not that comfortable anymore. Since the 20 week I have had one nightmare about delivery (it was so awful that I don't feel like recounting it), and I woke up completely panicked, but thankfully it hasn't happened again. My next appointment is next week, and this time I am taking the boys so as to prove they exist and prevent my being annoyed when the OB (the last one I have to meet) inevitably asks me how I managed to have children without being pregnant. I think the answer is fairly obvious in person...


Megan said...

Wait? You mean you can have children without giving birth? :-) Lol!

Rachel said...

Just like I was reading about my self! I am 22 weeks pregnant and I also have trouble sleeping, my hips hurt, my baby is kicking like crazy on my blader and I have problems with pregnancy jeans! :)) I am too tall for regular and it is really hard to get GOOD pair of long one...:)

Sweet Apron said...

Good times. Have your ribs started aching yet? That is the most uncomfortable part in my opinion. Cannot wait to see you!