Monday, 26 August 2013

A Walk on the Beach

This blog has been too quiet lately - I've had limited computer access since we came back to Illinois and a huge huge pile of boxes to attend to...and of course keeping up with three boys, adjusting to cleaning and maintaining a much bigger house and yard (overall yay! but a few bumps along the road), and getting the school year started. However, I am scheduling a few weeks of back-posts from our trip to CA, so I can promise with absolute certainty that there will be pictures and updates this week and next.

Today's offerings are from a walk we took with Mom and Dad in Redondo. It was a beautiful evening and the kids were going crazy running ahead of us, then turning around screaming and running full speed every single time they saw a dog. If you've every walked that stretch of sidewalk you know that it is dog-central. So, basically they spent a great deal of time running back and forth and jumping up on my Dad so he could save them. It was cute, but probably pretty hard on his back...

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hello Amy, jeff and family. I have meaning to ask you to email me Amy's Phd thesis. I have a friend who is a prof at Biola. He is very interested in Amy's thesis. If you would like to share your thesis I would get it to him.If this is a go email me at I will forward it on to him. If not no worries. Blessings on your family as the school is upon you. Love you and yours. Uncle David.