We received our pictures from Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep right before we left for a recent trip home to California. We picked them up from Deanna's place and rushed right over to Costco to print them out. We put them all in an appropriately girly album, which we packed carefully in our carry-on, and brought them home to show off to anyone who was willing to look.
The pictures have been so important to us. We look at them all the time. We have loved having our photos in the album, but we decided we needed some on the walls too. Although we have numerous "favorite" pictures, we decided on two to hang on the walls; one for our bedroom and one for our living room.
This one hangs in our bedroom. We love this picture because this is the moment when I first saw Leah. Our photographers captured it perfectly. We love how they captured the three of us just as we were. Jeff carefully cradles Leah in his hands, while I, stunned by the miracle of meeting my daughter, gingerly reach out to hold her tiny hand. We know Leah is a little slimy in this one, as all newborns are, but she is so beautiful.
In our living room we have hung this one. This is our favorite "clean" picture. It captures the absolute joy of the moments we had with our darling girl.
Jeff’s mom framed for us the first gift we received for Leah, a little onesie with a rock & roll squirrel motif.
The caption reads:
The pictures have been so important to us. We look at them all the time. We have loved having our photos in the album, but we decided we needed some on the walls too. Although we have numerous "favorite" pictures, we decided on two to hang on the walls; one for our bedroom and one for our living room.

Leah Veronica Klug
June 24, 2008 - 1lb. 6oz, 9 ½ inches
45 Minutes of Pure Rock & Roll
June 24, 2008 - 1lb. 6oz, 9 ½ inches
45 Minutes of Pure Rock & Roll
How exciting! And I must add I absolutely love the caption mom put on the framed onsie!
I agree your photographers captured every moment perfectly!
I am glad you posted the onsie because it will probably be some time before we visit you again. It came out so cute and I love what you put about Leah. I have to say that seeing her was more exciting than rock n roll and I love rock n roll!
Those 45 minutes will always be amazing.
luv u
I love the onesie. What a great idea! The pics are incredible as well.
I love the pictures and onesie! Amy, the look on your face in the second picture is so priceless.
I can't wait to see them in your apartment-- the pictures are absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to see the album as well-- did you get supplies at scrampers perhaps?:)The onsie is so cute:)
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