As of today we've had two wonderful years of snuggles, kisses, "I love you's," blowing bubbles, splashing in the pool, building snowmen, rocking out to music, playing cars non-stop, and waking up to this sweet little face*:

He's grown so much, and is truly a little boy and no longer our little baby. We are so thankful for this sweet time, and are excited to see what God has in store for his future.

*In an attempt to be realistic, lest those of you without children misunderstand the full nature of parenting, let me also add that those two years have included diaper blowouts, getting peed on, sleepless nights, scraping food from the floor, table, and walls, scraping poop off the floor, chair, and walls, kicks, bites, and many timeouts. But, it's all worth it.
He's grown so much, and is truly a little boy and no longer our little baby. We are so thankful for this sweet time, and are excited to see what God has in store for his future.
*In an attempt to be realistic, lest those of you without children misunderstand the full nature of parenting, let me also add that those two years have included diaper blowouts, getting peed on, sleepless nights, scraping food from the floor, table, and walls, scraping poop off the floor, chair, and walls, kicks, bites, and many timeouts. But, it's all worth it.
It seems like we have had him forever :). I love my grandson and am thankful that God put us all together.Praying for good things ahead!
He is one handsome young man, Amy and Jeff -- yay for two years!
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