Monday, 10 November 2014

Mom's Birthday

Today my mom would have turned 58. It has been a hard day. I'm sad, the kids are sad, and dates like this just make the missing that much harder. We are all remembering mom in our different ways. Kevin and Emily are meeting up for dinner, Katie is making my mom's favorite cake for her family and my Dad, and since today is my one day to stay home and get things in order, I cleaned my house and matched socks.

My sock pile drove my mom crazy. I swear that my children put one sock in the hamper and hide the match in some secret spot for a few weeks before tossing it in the laundry. Thus, even though I carefully match up all the pairs to come out of the dryer on any given laundry day, I have a sock pile. Whenever Mom came to visit she would get out the sock bag (which has since been upgraded to a cute basket) and lay them all out and match them all up. Then she would harass me to throw away the unmatched socks. So today I conquered the unmatched sock basket, which I'm pretty sure hasn't been touched since her last visit a year ago, in her memory. I even threw out a handful of socks for her. That would have made her happy.

Although today has been very hard, I have enjoyed having the space to reflect on my Mom and what a blessing she was to me, and my kids, and to all of you who have been leaving comments and messages for our family. I wish I could be celebrating with her tonight, but since I can't, I am so thankful to be able to celebrate her memory and her legacy.


Unknown said...

Well put<3 Love the last sentence- ditto.

Julie said...

Amy, what a great way to honor your mom's birthday. By the way I have an overflowing sock basket that I haven't conquered in 25 years, so good for you.

I lost my mom to cancer when I was 17 and it is still difficult. There's just no one like your mommy and you had an especially great one. I am praying for you all.

I just shared your blog with a friend who lost her precious newborn to a different chromosomal abnormality. Your faith shows through your writing and I, for one, am thankful that you openly share with others through your joys and trials. May our loving heavenly Father bring you joy and comfort today and always.

Bill E said...

As always, Amy, this post says so much, and with such great love in remembrance and celebration of Mary's legacy. Thank you again for such deep reflection.