Thursday 21 January 2010

Irrevocably Ours

"IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that from this date the minor shall, to all legal intents and purposes, be the child of the petitioners and, for the purpose of inheritance and all other legal incidents and consequences, the same as if born to them in wedlock;

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the name of the minor be, and it is hereby changed to THOMAS ANTHONY OWOMUGISHA KLUG"

He's irrevocably ours.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so thrilled for all of you!

Katie said...

yayayayayayayayay!!!!!!:):):):):) I'm so happy for you guys and our fam:)

mary said...

Praise God and we love you all. m

Laura Gifford said...

Congratulations, Amy, Jeff and Tommy!!!

Jim and April said...

WOOT! WOOT! Congrats!

susie lavender said...
