Sunday 12 July 2009


Yesterday the wife of the man who runs our guest house stopped by. She came up to Tommy and put out her arms. He looked at her, looked up at me, and lunged towards me with a scared look on his face. He recognized that she was a stranger and that I would protect him. This was the first time he has rejected a black woman for me. When we first got here he was willing to come to me, but he prefered women who resemebled his previous caregivers- and everyone here looks more like Sister and the Aunties at the babies home than I do.

We are so excited that he is starting to choose us, and to recognize that we will take care of him. Of couse he has no idea what it means to have parents or to be part of a family, but it is a huge step for him to understand that we are responsible for caring for him and that we will keep him safe.

He has started to call me "mum." Only occasionally, and usually when he is bored with Jeff (or angry about not getting his way), but he will stretch out his arms towards me and say "mum." Super cute.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful word to hear! I am so happy that you all are bonding well.

mary said...

My most favorite word in this world.

Colleen Anita Hamilton said...

Oh my gosh Amy :-) I cried, as usual when reading your posts. Praise God for your little boy :-) My whole group here is loving you guys from afar, I have been updating them about you guys and praying. Well, my close girl friends that is :-) Love love love to you three. Give Tommy a big smooch for me :-)

Gretchen said...

Of course that brought tears to my eyes!

Joline said...

ok - this post hit me . . . I'm a little choked up here.

thecurryseven said...

Hearing your child call you mother has to be one of the most beautiful sounds there is. I'm so glad the whole attachment dance is going well.

Heather said...

Oh, I love it! Natalie says ma and mama, but doesn't seem to be meaning anything by it yet.

Shelley said...

Congratulations Amy and Jeff! We are so happy for the both of you. The part where he called you mum is very touching. Hope you get the visa quickly and are able to come home soon with your little angel, Tommy. Glad to here that your mom is with you. :)