Tuesday 30 September 2008

Resting Place?

On Sunday afternoon we visited Leah’s grave. We had been at a church retreat about a half-hour from Waukesha, so the timing seemed right to go. As soon as we left the retreat grounds and began our journey I felt enveloped by a wave of pain and sadness. We got a little bit lost on the way there (thanks Wisconsin for the lame detour signs), and it looked like it would start raining at any time, However, much like the day that we buried Leah, by the time we arrived at the cemetery the sun was shining warmly from a clear blue sky.

My biggest fear was quickly allayed when I saw that her headstone turned out perfectly. They spelled everything right and we loved how the flower and cross design turned out.

I could see the lines in the dirt from where they cut the sod and replaced it after they buried her. The grass hasn’t grown enough to cover the scars in the earth.

I cleared the dead leaves from her grave. I know the wind will cover it back up soon, but I didn’t want to leave it cluttered.

It was hard to be there, and weird. It was such a contrast from the last time we were there, for her funeral. This time it was just me and Jeff. I think we may have been the only people in the whole place. Where there was once a tent filled with many friends and family, there were now only leaves. It was very quiet, calm, even beautiful, but not peaceful.

There is no peace in my baby being in the ground.

Philippians 3:20-21 (New Living Translation)

20 But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. 21 He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.


Beth Sykes said...

Great bible verse to use. I agree her headstone looks beautiful! I know all to well how the ground in which we barry our babies seems everything but a peaceful resting spot.
You and Jeff will continue to be in our prayers.

Joline said...

Harper wanted to see where Leah was buried, and I should have asked you whether we could tagged behind you and Jeff, and yet, I just didn't feel comfortable infringing on your time with your daughter. Plus, we had Zane with us . . . not really peaceful.

Her headstone is just lovely.

It was nice to hang out with you both last weekend.

Anonymous said...

It has been fifteen years since my daughter passed away due to skeletal dysplasia...it's still hard to visit her grave, but it does get a bit easier with time.