Sunday 15 June 2014

School's Out!

We'll, it's been out, but what with the whirlwind of swim lessons, VBS, and t-ball I haven't had time to upload the pictures.

First, some of Nic. His school holds a "race" to celebrate the end of school. The kids train for it for weeks. They learned how to stretch and they practiced running the course every day. On race day the parents come to cheer the kids on, and the classes have a ceremony for those who are moving on to Kindergarten. Nic did a great job running, and Kenny and I had a blast cheering him on. You'll see him below in his racing gear with some of his teachers, and with his bus driver.

Tommy had a field day to celebrate the end of the year, but since siblings weren't allowed to attend I didn't get any pictures. However, I did remember to get a shot of him on the very last day, and we got one with his teacher too. He had a great year and is already asking when school will start back up. He is anxious to see all his friends again.

Tommy has started playing t-ball. he is having a wonderful time, and especially enjoys sliding, even though it is never ever necessary in t-ball. It is, however, quite entertaining to watch him running and diving at every opportunity. After just one game his pants are hopelessly stained. At least the green on his knees matches his shirt!

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