Monday 16 June 2014

Gardening, Finally.

For a few years Tommy and I had a pretty decent garden going back behind our old apartment. Then Mom got sick, and we had Kenny, and we moved, and so for the last two summers we haven't done any planting, although I maintained my flowers. This year my plan was just to upkeep the current landscaping on our house, but a few of our plants died and left some holes so I needed to make some changes.

I planned on starting a vegetable garden next year. We have a large bunny population (among other wildlife), so gardening in the ground doesn't make a lot of sense. I intended to have Jeff build a fenced, raised bed for next year, but when I found a used one for sale my plans accelerated. We started a bit late in the season, so we are growing a very random assortment of plants that were still left in the store, and we are not expecting much to come of the seeds, but who knows? The kids had a great time planting, and it feels good to be back in a "normal" routine. If the tomato plants survive my poor caging, if Nic actually succeeds in growing a pumpkin, or if our strawberries don't get devoured by all the birds we lure into our backyard with our feeder, then it will be a nice bonus. Growing the plants is half the fun anyway, and next year (providing we can stay drama free this year) I will have the opportunity to carefully plan our garden.

I thought I would add a picture of Jeff's other recent project, a swing set that he disassembled, stuffed into our minivan, and reassembled. It has been amazing for the little guys. You can't see everything in this picture, but it has a climbing wall, two swings, a tire swing, a rope ladder, and a slide. Also, note the bird/squirrel feeder in the upper right.

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