Thursday 12 June 2014


We went to a collegiate league baseball game this weekend as part of a school fundraiser. We had no idea what to expect, and were glad that the attendance was heavy on kindergarten boys (and almost no one else because apparently there was some important hockey game on). Both Tommy and Kenny spent most of the time goofing off and running around, but Nic was very serious about watching the game and managed to stay engaged for four full innings - not bad for a three year old. He was pleased to learn that baseball is a great sport for him to pursue, because it has little physical contact and no prolonged running (right now tennis is king in Nic's sporting ambitions, which is probably not the best for his health). He asked lots of questions and now knows everything I know about baseball, which is to say, not much.

The highlight for Tommy was being chosen to run the crazy bat race on the field as part of the extra entertainment. He had to spin around with his head on a bat, then run the distance along the first base line. He was seriously trash talking his opponent (a friend from class) prior to the race, so he was lucky he beat her. He and Kenny also sang and danced on the roof of the home dugout during the seventh inning stretch along with the other kids from school. It was very sweet and fun.

The boys all got their faces painted as took Nic a while to work up the courage to get it done, so I was really proud of him for going for it.

After Nic was finished, I noticed that the kindergarten boys were recreating a Lord of the Flies scenario on this weird giant chair nearby. Instead of intervening I decided to take pictures from a distance, so I had the joy of witnessing my son ring-leading a "No girls allowed" chant and reveling in the sheer wildness that is way too many little boys on a tall platform. I swear I would have stepped in if anyone started shouting about killing pigs.

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