Saturday 8 January 2011


When we were in the process of adopting the first time in 2008, I went and bought a "Baby's First Christmas" Ornament during the day-after Christmas sales. At the time we hadn't been matched with Tommy, but I just had a hunch that our baby was born, and would need an ornament for that year.

This time around we have been matched, and we know for sure that Mtoto needs a "first Christmas" ornament to commemorate this year. On the day after Christmas I went to the Hallmark store again, but this time they were all sold out! I eventually made it over to a different Hallmark, and was able to find a blank baby ornament with a space that we can personalize with the year. Although I was unhappy that I didn't find the exact year ornament, I really like the ornament I found. I'm a sucker for bunnies.

Lest you worry that Tommy has been neglected, he got ornaments from both his grandmas this year. One with the year 2010, and one featuring a pirate and his treasure.

And, of course, our Leah ornaments. Three this year. It's hard to believe.

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