Monday 27 January 2014

Update on Mary: Round Two

Today Mom started her second round of Abraxane. Her white blood and platelet counts were high, which was good news. The not as good news is that Mom has been very sick lately and has been experiencing an increase in pain. Typically she bounces back a little on the week she has off from chemo, but this week she never rebounded. It has been very discouraging for her because she really enjoys being able to get out and about, and that simply has not been possible these last few weeks. She also is having trouble eating again, and is spending more time than not sleeping. She is increasing her dose of pain medication and planning to have a CT at the end of the week, She had to cancel her last CT because she was just too sick to go on. Perhaps it will shed some light on her current issues.
Please pray that mom would have relief from her pain, and that the pain medication would have minimal side effects.
Pray that she would be able to eat more, sleep well at night and need fewer naps, and have an increase in her energy.
Pray that the abraxane would be effective in fighting her cancer and that her blood counts would be high enough for this treatment to continue.
Pray for strength and peace for Dad as he cares for her, and for renewal when he has down time (Emily is helping out now so Dad gets breaks).
Thank you all for your prayers. We have been so blessed to have so many good months with Mom, I have to admit that it was easy to forget how hard this is when it isn't going well. As we struggle we are so thankful to have you holding us up. God is good, even when cancer is bad. What a blessing that he has placed you in our lives for times like this.


  1. I have been praying for you all. I know how hard it is for you all to be so far away during this time. Pray for God's peace that passes al understanding as she keeps fighting.

  2. I will continue to pray for decreased pain, healing and energy.

  3. My name is Janice Peterson Johnson. I grew up with your Mom. Will you give her my love and let her know I am praying for her. She has a special place in my heart. Thank you for your blog. My Mom, Lunetta, also send her love.
