Saturday 25 May 2013

Update on Mary: PET Scan Results

The PET scan Mom had this week confirmed (as we knew) that her cancer has spread to her abdominal wall. It did not reveal any other spread, which was a huge relief. Also, it appears that her pancreatic tumor has decreased activity, which is good. She has to go in for another scan in three months, because the radiation should continue to work against her pancreatic tumor.
In the meantime, she was not able to do chemo this week because her white blood cell counts were too low. This was very discouraging, because she knows she needs to fight those little spreading tumors. She is hoping to be able to do chemo next week, so please pray for an increase in her white blood cells. Also, pray that the chemo would effectively contain and fight the new cancer growth.
Next week mom will meet with both of her oncologists to discuss her options for future chemotherapy. She will also see a nutritionist (who is also an MD) to find out if there is anything she can be doing to better support her immune system. Please pray for wisdom for all of her doctors and a good plan for her future.
If you read my last post you know it has been a rough week for our family due to the loss of my Dad's mother. We are all kind of in a fog, and very worn out emotionally. Thank you for continuing to lift Mom and our family up in prayer. We appreciate it so much!

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