Tuesday 1 January 2013

Update on Mary: On the Mend

Mom has been sick for the last few weeks. She caught a cold, and fighting off those germs really drained her energy for quite some time. After starting some antibiotics (because it moved to her sinuses), she is feeling much much better, but she is concerned that her white counts might not be high enough for her to have her chemotherapy this week. Please join us in praying that her white blood counts will be normal, that her body would continue to heal, and that she would be able to have her chemotherapy this week.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. We were so thankful to be together this Christmas, even if many of us were under the weather. It was wonderful to have our WHOLE family here this Christmas, Mom included, praise God. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and we wish the best for this coming year.

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