Monday 14 January 2013

Update on Mary: CT scan tomorrow

We just found out that Mom is going in for a CT scan tomorrow afternoon at 3:45. She could really use your prayers right now. The drink she needs to take is not pleasant tasting, so please pray that she can get it down and hold it down. Even worse, it makes her stomach feel terrible, so pray that any lingering effects from the drink would be done with quickly. She resumes chemo on Thursday, and it stinks to go into chemo already feeling poorly. The last time she had a CT she felt sick from it for about a week.
Of course, please pray for good results. Obviously we would love to hear that the tumor has shrunk, but containment would be great news too. Pray that the chemo regime she is currently on would continue to be effective and hold her cancer in check.
Thank you so much for joining us in prayer. We are so grateful for your continued support!

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