Friday 19 October 2012

Local History Day

Our family went and picked up some interesting artifacts at the airport on Monday afternoon. These fine circa 1950s specimens have been entertaining the boys and helping with dishes. In addition, they enjoy spending time in museums. We went to Graue Mill, an operating Grist Mill/Museum. It's very close to us, and I had been wanting to see it for some time, but was nervous about taking the boys by myself. Since Mom and Dad were willing to come and lend a hand, we made the trip, and are so glad we did. The museum had a Miller who did demonstrations of the Mill and let Tommy and Nic attempt to grind corn by hand. He was fantastic. Upstairs they had a woman carding, spinning, and demonstrating a loom. She had a small loom that Tommy got to try. She did a wonderful job explaining spinning and carding to him, although Tommy was more interested in baking a pie in one of the "hands on" exhibits. We didn't have much time downstairs, but the Mill was a stop on the Underground Railroad so they have information on that as well. Unfortunately it was raining, so we couldn't spend time looking at the grounds (Mom has to stay out of our yucky weather), but they looked beautiful and there is even a nature center down the street that we will have to explore in the future.

Afterwards Tommy went to school and Nic went for his nap, so Mom, Kenny and I explored the Downers Grove history museum. It was free, so I guess we shouldn't complain about it, but seriously they have a great space that they are doing very little with. Also the "staff" tried to get us to leave without seeing both exhibits because they didn't want to go unlock the door on the outdoor building that housed the other part. Mom got a little feisty with them and so we eventually got in. But seriously, why make it hard on visitors to see your displays? Why leave whole rooms of displays completely uninterpreted? It makes the historian in me a bit irritated.

1 comment:

  1. I took my girls there too! It was a bit of a drive for us but we really enjoyed it. And the schnazzy McDonalds nearby was photo worthy!
