Tuesday 7 August 2012

Summer Reading!

We barely finished our summer reading program at the library this year (in comparison, the last two summers Tommy has completed it twice). It's been a much crazier summer than usual, as you can likely imagine. The boys were very happy to get a big thing of bubbles and a new book in exchange for reading, but the real thrill was the Summer Reading Fair at the end of the program. They were so excited when they heard it would have a bounce house. Of course, come time to jump they realized that a lot of much older kids were jumping too, so Nic did not want to go in. Tommy eventually warmed to the idea and had a great time bouncing away. For the rest of us the real thrill was the snow cones. It was HOT that day. Our car thermometer said it was 100! And it was not a "dry heat."

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