Tuesday 26 June 2012

Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

Tommy has been begging to go to a museum lately, so once mom started feeling better we decided to join forces with Aunt Annie and my cousin Molly and head to Cabrillo. We had a lovely picnic on the lawn, went through the aquarium, and played on the playground on the beach nearby. It was tiring, but lots of fun (probably less fun for Molly who did a lot of chasing). Things have certainly improved at Cabrillo since the last time I visited many many years ago. We were all very impressed by the upgrades. The touch tank is very nice and has some very pretty sea stars and the area behind it, which was not for touching, had sharks that Tommy really liked. Nic liked the hands-on exhibits and the ring-shaped fish tank that he could crawl under. Some pics from our afternoon adventure:

My little grunions

At the touch tank...

Molly and Tommy hatching grunions

Playing on the slide

USS Iowa - it's one BIG ship

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