Saturday 5 May 2012

A Brief Update

Right now Kenny is sleeping happily on my chest, an activity he loves to do all morning, afternoon, and evening. Now if only I could convince him that he should actually be doing this at NIGHT. Jeff and I are trying to figure out a routine so that both of us can get a little more sleep, although I imagine that will take some time. Kenny went to his first doctor's appointment yesterday. He has lost a little weight, which didn't shock me because I struggled to get him to eat his first day home. However my milk is coming in and he is eating more, so he should be plumping up soon. He is also a little jaundiced, so we have to go back in for another check on Monday. He is otherwise doing quite well. The big boys are fascinated by him, and are delighting in being big brothers and big helpers. They are both having some adjustment issues, but nothing more than what we expected, and hopefully this will continue. Jeff and I are really trying to make sure they get some special time and attention, which has been hard to do the last few days, but should get easier as we figure out and settle into our new normal.I've felt better in my life. Delivering a baby is not the most physically pleasant experience. I'll leave it at that.


  1. What a absolutely gorgeous family!!

  2. We praise God for your family :-) and continue to keep you in our prayers. Welcome, Kenny!
    Love, Hannah (& Robert)

  3. Three darling boys! I hope your body starts recovering. It does feel like you got hit by a truck and then throw breastfeeding and fatigue on top....
    I think Kenny looks like you, Amy! Hang in there. praying for you daily.

  4. Yeah for boys! They will be such great big brothers. Give them a little bit and they will get over the initial jealousies and be great to little Kenny. Tommy is a great age to "help" you change the baby and do things for you. It will make him feel good that he can be of such a big help to Mommy and the baby.

  5. I've read this post more than once just for the fun of that first photo... a week old (or less, depending upon when you took this picture), and he's already pondering the world like an intellectual. It's in the genes. :-) (Amen to Sweet Apron's comments above re: what childbirth feels like...) You're in our prayers
