Sunday 6 November 2011

Congo Revisted

Not only is today "Orphan Sunday," but this entire month is "National Adoption Month." In honor of that I will be doing some adoption-themed posts this month. I wanted to start with sharing some pictures (finally) from our trip to Congo.

In Congo we had the amazing opportunity to visit some different orphanages, and feed and play with the kids living there. It was hard. It was hard because all of us were schlepping a baby or two and worrying about the effect that visiting the orphanages would have on our kids, some of whom had left their orphanages only a few days before. It was hard to see the kids living in wretched conditions (even knowing that they were so much better off than they would be on the street). The hardest part, above all, was walking away after handing over a peanut butter sandwich and a banana. It just wasn't enough. It just isn't enough.

When you walk into a difficult orphanage the problem feels overwhelming. The corruption at some of these places- the loneliness, the hunger, the abuse, the misery- it's suffocating.

I don't know what part God has called or is calling you to take in caring for orphans, but I know he calls all of us to participate. Whether you are called to adopt or foster, to support an adopting family, to sponsor a child, to go on a missions trip and love some orphans, or to send money to an orphan care project (or all of the above), today is a great day to think about where God might be calling you next. If nothing else, please consider setting some time aside today to pray for these kids. They need it. No one should live like this.

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