Sunday 30 October 2011

Only in DRC...

...can you find Okapis in the wild, and three kids this cute!

Yes, our zoo has an entire area devote to the DRC. I happen to love that. The centerpiece are the Okapis, which are native only to DRC and weren't "discovered" by the outside world until 1901.

We toured the zoo with two of Nic's Congo buddies and their moms. It was so fun to see the boys together, and to hang out with our friends. I know that Nic has grown so much, but it it really drives it home to see how much bigger the other kids from our trip have gotten too. The boys are all roughly the same height, so even though they look NOTHING alike (seriously, look at the picture), and were dressed in totally different styles, and each had a different mom watching over them, we got asked if they were triplets.

Tommy had a blast too. He decided to paint himself as a "triceratops."

1 comment:

  1. it's offical. you are the mom to the cutest boys on the planet. i feel like there should be some sort of parade in their honor...
