Friday 30 September 2011

A Rare Treat

L to R, Top to Bottom: Aunt Robin, Katie, Colleen, Mom, Me, Emily, Heidi, Erin, Gretchen, Grandma Cox

All of my siblings were in town for Grandma Kay's surprise party, something that occurs much less frequently now that we live scattered all over the country (LA, NY, Chicago, and soon, Seattle). It just so happened that my Dad's brother's girls, who are also spread out like we are, were also in town on the very same weekend for a baby shower. That meant that we had a rare assemblage of sisters, cousins, moms, aunts, and Grandma Cox at the shower, so we decided to take a picture to commemorate the occasion. Here's some reproductive multiplication for you: Grandma had four sons, those four sons had fifteen kids between them. Seven of those fifteen kids have started families, resulting in sixteen grandchildren (this includes those currently in utero). Imagine what might happen when the rest of the bunch decides to reproduce!

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