Tuesday 6 September 2011

Grandma Janie Comes to Visit

Last Sunday we drove home from Kentucky so that Jeff could head back to work Monday morning. Monday afternoon Jeff's mom, Jane, flew in from Kentucky and the boys and I picked her up at the airport. Tommy had asked if Grandma Janie would go to the zoo with him, and he was more than a little disappointed that we didn't head straight to the zoo from the airport. We wisely decided to wait until the next day.

On Wednesday we went to Cantigny. We started with an hour long tour of the McCormick house, and the boys made it through with only some minor fussing and one incidence of laying down on the floor. This led to me carrying both boys through quite a bit of the house, but it was worth it. Afterwards we stopped to smell the roses in the garden and had a picnic lunch on the lawn. Then we went to the First Division Museum. Tommy had been before, about a year ago, and actually liked it a lot, but this time he found the exhibits to be scary...either that or he wanted someone to carry him through the museum, which Grandma Janie did since Nicolas was sleeping in the Ergo by that time. He did really like the replica soldiers in the front of the museum, and I am so PROUD to say that his favorite was the Revolutionary soldier. My influence abounds.

Thanks for visiting Grandma Janie!

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