Friday 16 September 2011

Destination: Indiana Wedding, The Final Stretch

Our vacation ended very well. In describing the fun things that we did during the wedding weekend I have neglected to mention that the place we had rented for the weekend, which was supposed to be a cozy cabin in a family friendly area turned out to be a filthy, trashy, gross little room in a place that is decidedly not family friendly unless you think loud, drunken, chain smoking adults blasting music at 11:30pm while playing bean bag toss is "family friendly". Now, recall, Jeff and I both spent time in the Congo recently so it isn't as though we must have luxury accommodations...the very worst room I stayed in at the guest house in DRC was by far cleaner than this cabin. The dust was so hard on Jeff's allergies that he was miserable every time we went in, and it was so dirty that we were constantly worrying about what the boys were touching. Thus, we stayed away from our cabin as much as possible. However, on Sunday a room at the wonderful lodge that the wedding reception was held at opened up, so we were able to enjoy the last night of our vacation in a clean, comfortable space. It was awesome.

Also, that meant we were closer to the wedding party and lots of our friends...and it meant a late night campfire and s'mores and an early morning boat ride. It was the perfect ending to a wonderful time away.

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