Tuesday 2 August 2011

Congo Party!

This weekend we had an amazing opportunity to spend some time with a few of the families we traveled with and some other OFA families. The timing couldn't have been better. For one, it was Nic's birthday over the weekend, and two, we really needed a break from all of the waiting and wondering about Nic's medical issues. God provided us with the opportunity to be refreshed and to relax at just the right moment.

The party took place in Southern Indiana, in fact, had we gone much further we would have been in Kentucky. The family who hosted was so gracious and had a beautiful home that was perfect for the get together- a wooded, secluded lot with a pool, a play house, a zip line, and a tree swing - everything the kids could want! There was also good food and great conversation for the adults.

In total I think there were seven families, and twelve kids adopted from DRC (and more adopted elsewhere). It was a great experience for Nicolas, not that he can really remember or appreciate it, but I think he liked seeing his buddies from Congo. Tommy struggled a bit. He has been having a hard time lately with abandonment issues, (not related to his adoption directly); he is very very concerned that Jeff, Nicolas, and I are going to leave him. He also continues to have trouble with accepting Nicolas, and we had a few major setbacks on this front last week. Add that to being in the largest group of African kids he's seen since the orphanage, and he clearly was having a hard time discerning his place in the group, and acted out quite a bit. By the end of the weekend he became much more comfortable and was rather sorry to leave (and is already asking to go back).

I'm wanting to go back too. It was so so wonderful for us to catch up with our friends and meet more families that we have this shared experience with. I loved seeing how much the other kids we traveled with or visited while in Congo have grown. All of the children look so healthy, plump, happy, and best of all, scabies-free!

The kids enjoying lunch together

Jeff and Tommy

Nic's pruney little toes after LOTS of swimming

Cuddling and watching a movie

Twins! ;-)


More swinging

Jojo (above) and his "twin" Manny (below).

Love, love, love these boys.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Superman t-shirts! Those are so great! (Also, love the cat flopped out in the background of one of those photos...) I'm glad you were able to go and had such a good time.
