Monday 4 July 2011


On one of our last days in CA we had the opportunity to visit some old friends. Now, I'm not saying anything about their age specifically, I mean that Rosie and Jerry are friends from as far back as I can remember. My parents knew them from church, and Rosie was a huge favorite of mine when I was a tot, so much so that my dad would sing songs about her to me (at my insistence) at bed time. Every once in a while Tommy gets treated to a verse of "Jesus love the little Rosie," so it was nice for him to get some context too. Rosie and Jerry moved far away at some point during my childhood, but they still come back every summer to spend some time at a family home by the beach in Laguna. We had visited them there before, but it had been a while since I had gone- probably at least twenty years- but it was so fun to take the boys, and to see Tommy fascinated by the same magnetic toy that fascinated me (and probably all kids).

We drove up straight after church, were stuffed full of delicious food, and then took our overfull bellies down to the beach. I'm sure it was a pretty picture. The weather was perfect, but the waves were rough and very dangerous. The lifeguards spent a great deal of time running up and down the surf warning people to stay in the shallowest part of the water. The boys dipped their toes but were content to play in front of us on the sand, which made things much easier and more relaxing. Roise and Jerry had three of their grandchildren staying with them, and Tommy fell in love with them. He is still talking them and asking to go back to "Jeremy's Beach." After the water encroached a bit too far into our space we rode the trolly back to the house for a dinner on the porch at sunset. It was the perfect California way to wind down our trip!

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