Tuesday 12 April 2011


I’ve had a busy few days, and not enough time to process all the things that have been happening. I was able to go to church on Sunday because the couple who runs our guest house gave me a ride. This time I went to an English language service. It was a “blended” worship service, and rather similar to what you might experience in the States except the congregation was decidedly international. We got to hear a really amazing testimony…I’ll probably post on that later, after Jeff and Mtoto get home.
After church we went out to lunch, to the same yummy schwarma place I went to before, and then, since it was such a hot day, we had to stop by my favorite ice cream shop. I swear it wasn’t even my idea…mostly.
Yesterday we went back to Mama G’s (and that’s getting a post later because meeting Mama G was such a humbling experience), and then on to dinner. We got to go to a South African chain restaurant that serves tasty peri-peri chicken and had a play place for the kids and a great view- and wasn’t that expensive. It was very refreshing. At night I had the privilege to attend a photo exhibit/talk at the local American school by the man who gave his testimony at church Sunday. It was a very moving evening, and thankfully Mtoto slept through almost all of it so I really got to watch and listen.
This morning we awoke to torrential rain and cool breezes. I almost feel like I’m back in IL already. Jeff gets here this afternoon, and we are anxiously awaiting his arrival! I expect he will be walking through the door in about five hours...


  1. I'm very happy that you get to see Jeff soon, it must feel like so long since you've been together.

  2. I'm reading this 5 hours after you posted, so I really hope Jeff is arriving right now!! Can't wait to hear more about all these stories...

  3. Praising God for Jeffs safe arrival and that God is showing to you His presence in Africa. I can't wait to hear the stories.

  4. Hope you guys have a great time together and bonding with Mtoto:) Praying!
