Tuesday 26 April 2011

More Tests

We just got one of those phone calls that you don't want to get.

Nicolas' blood work came back abnormal. We go back for more tests tomorrow. Based on the info I gleaned from my conversation with the woman who works at the doctor's office (after I pressed her repeatedly), they will be testing for sickle cell and some other things (venting for a minute: why is is so hard to get the doctor's office to give you straight answers about stuff like this? Like I really believe that they are running a bunch of different tests just in case the lab made an error on the first ones? Not that I don't think lab errors are possible, but why not just say that there is also a possibility that my child is seriously ill? It's the truth). Obviously, we are really hoping that Nicolas does not have sickle cell anemia because it is a very painful, life-shortening disease (to put it in perspective, children with HIV have longer lifespans and better treatment options). There is a very good chance Nicolas is simply a carrier of the gene, as the early testing doesn't differentiate between carriers (those with one defective gene) and those with actual sickle cell disease (people who inherited two defective genes), and being a carrier is quite common in Africa. Or, it might be something else. They will be running more than one test...what, I don't know, because apparently parents only need very limited information. I'm sure that they give limited information because they don't want parents freaking out and googling every disease known to man...but let me testify that it doesn't work. Now I'm just googling with incomplete information. I don't think that is better.

Let me state the obvious, we love Nicolas no matter what: with normal blood, abnormal blood, or whatever he has flowing through his veins. There is absolutely no doubt in our minds that Nicolas is the child that God chose to add to our family. If turns out that he has sickle cell disease then I will be even more thankful than ever that we adopted him and that we got him home as early as we did. I shudder to think about what his treatment options would be in DRC. If it turns out that he carries a recessive gene for a nasty disorder, well, welcome to the family, son, you're in good company.

Please pray with us that further testing will bring good news. If not, pray that we have the strength to handle whatever is next on our parenting journey. Most of all, pray for Nicolas' comfort and as he is subjected to another blood draw.


  1. Oh Amy, so many prayers for your son. Try not to jump to the worst conclusion, and from personal experience, I would stay off google if you can help it. Keep trusting in God and remember that we don't gain an ounce of anything by worry. Once the new tests are run and you get the results, then you can move forward with whatever is appropriate and you won't have to specualate endlessly on the maybes. Above all else, remember that God is great, and he has blessed you enormously.

  2. Thinking of you and your family. I hope things come back ok and your sweet boy will be fine. May you and your husband find strength and peace in the days ahead.

  3. Praying that you're able to let go of your worries. And praying that you have nothing to worry about. ;)

    Good luck tomorrow—I remember blood draws with Will at Nicolas' age, and they were horrible. Hoping they can keep him as comfortable as possible. And remember: there's no better place for him to weather this storm than in your arms.

  4. I have been praying throughout the night that the result will be that he is a carrier. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

  5. Praying that he's just a carrier Amy! Be strong in the Lord!

  6. Oh no Amy! This must be so scary!!! I hope they are able to get you answers soon and not keep you in a waiting limbo!
