Saturday 30 April 2011

Checking In

We've had a busy few days. It took many phone calls, but we finally have an appointment with the pediatric hematologist next Wednesday. Hopefully he will be able to decipher Nicolas' blood work and give us some better answers about his condition and our options for managing his symptoms. Please keep praying for us as we will likely have lots of decisions to make, and a lot of information to process.

Jeff and I are trying to use this in-between time to take care of things...the IRS review of Tommy's adoption, stacks of paperwork to sort out from Nicolas' adoption, the rest of the unpacking from the trip, figuring out exactly how to cram another child and his stuff into our apartment, and (most importantly) getting my garden ready for summer planting. Doing all this while caring for Tommy and Nicolas is interesting. So far we are juggling it all fairly well, minus a few incidents.

On Thursday we had a rough night- I was up many many times with a fussy little boy- so we slept in and missed MOPS on Friday. Since it was an amazingly beautiful day, I didn't want to spend it inside, so I took Tommy and Nic to the Arboretum. Nic slept most of the time in the Ergo, so I had plenty of time to focus on Tommy, and I think he really enjoyed that. It was fun for me to see how much he has grown up through his choice of activities- his interests and abilities have changed so much since last Fall. Today was another lovely day, but we sadly spent too much of it indoors getting the boy's room set-up, but we did have time for a family walk to the hardware store.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, notes, calls, meals (really I should list meals right after prayers because not cooking dinner this week and being showered in cookies has been so awesome), etc. We feel so loved, and it really helps as we face so much uncertainty. We continue to rest in God's gracious provision for our family and our future. I really feel like he has been preparing us for this without us even knowing it, but that is a story for another day, when it isn't so late and I'm not so tired!

1 comment:

  1. love you guys so much! praying for you through the continued waiting and adjusting. can't wait to see you in June
