Wednesday 30 March 2011

Stick a Fork in Me

I'm done.

So, today we spent way too many hours in the car, sitting in ridiculous traffic, inhaling repulsive amounts of smog, with very little benefit. I'm reassessing my get-out-of-the-guesthouse at all costs strategy. It isn't always worth it.

I am exhausted. I am getting a migraine. Mtoto and I might both be a little dehydrated. It is time for bed. Pray for a good night's sleep, our health, and our sanity. I'm feeling so done in right now.

I'll post a little more about what driving around here is like when I have more energy. I'm considering titling that post "The Cockroach Coach"- how's that for a teaser?


  1. I'm praying for you, Amy. Thanks for rousing yourself to do these blogs. You sure let us know what to think about and how to pray!

  2. Thanks for being faithful in blogging, I read your updates everyday and pray for you and your family.

  3. Praying like crazy for you Amy!

  4. "Keep on swimming, keep on swimming..." (best said by Dory from Finding Nemo). Love & prayers flowing your way.

  5. Scabies carpet if you stay, cockroach coach if you go, what a choice! I hope today is better.

  6. I can so relate to the cocroach coach. Praying you get good news soon and get to come home.
