Wednesday 24 November 2010

We're Thankful for...Water!

Earlier I shared that the water at Holy Innocent Ibanda Babies Home (Tommy's orphanage) is contaminated, and that BABTU has been raising money for a well to serve the orphanage, and possibly the hospital across the street as well. We just heard that they have met the fundraising goal, and will be able to move forward with putting the well in place!

We know our family and friends have been contributing to this project, so a big THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts to those of you who helped make this possible. Clean water will make a huge difference in the live of all this kids served by Holy Innocent!


  1. That is great news! Just in time for Thanksgiving too :)

  2. Hi, I spent a month in Uganda, and drove by Holy Innocent many times. Each time I wanted so badly to stop in and visit, but our leaders said we never had time to. When I got back to the USA I looked it up on the internet, and found your blog. I am glad I did!
