Friday 8 October 2010

Naper Settlement

We took a little field trip with a friend to see Naperville. Scott happens to enjoy historical outings, so we went to Naper Settlement. Unfortunately we managed to go on a "special" day when the settlement had been rented out by an organization that was having a craft fair and pow-wow, so a number of things in the actual settlement weren't open, and on top of that the festivities from this organization weren't until the afternoon (naptime). Before we went in the woman at the front (who worked for Naper Settlement) assured us that everything was open as usual...but she was incorrect. Very disappointing.

We made the best of it and saw everything we could. I don't know what it would be like on a normal day, but I was not very impressed. It wasn't the worse "living history" museum I have every been to-that is Amish Acres, hands down- but it was far from the best- Plymouth Colony, in case you wondered.

We also did the river walk, but it started to rain so we didn't take any pics and hurried home. At least Tommy had a great time chasing after one of the grown-ups that he greatly admires...

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