Tuesday 3 August 2010


Note: this post was written late last week, so the timing is a bit off. For example, the dissertation will be filed THIS Friday, not next.

I know the blog has been rather quiet for the past week. Things have been more than a bit insane. I haven't had time to sleep, much less blog.

This last week I spent every waking minute proofing my dissertation- I went through all of my footnotes, did my bibliography, and have been scrambling to get everything set up for filing (i.e. turning it in). That date is set for next Friday. I am more than a little nervous about it. I still have a bit more to do. It needs another proofing for the text, captions on some of the images, and acknowledgments. Then I have to print it out on ridiculously expensive paper, do a bunch of paperwork, and run around campus for an afternoon. I'm tired just thinking about that. But then it will be DONE.

During my minuscule amount of down-time I packed for a trip to California. This is going to be a big one, but, a pretty crazy one. The purpose of this trip is a wedding that I am so thrilled to be participating in. I have known the bride since we were silly high school freshman, and it has been a pleasure to grow up and grow old with her. We have both improved since then (although I probably needed more improving than she did). She's the kind of woman who has never had a problem getting a boyfriend, but who wisely waited for one of high caliber before she tied the knot. I distinctly remember telling Jeff the first time I met the groom that I was sure he was the one. The fit was so right. He is a man who loves God, who loves her, and who clearly compliments her personality. Weddings are always nice, but they are especially sweet when you have complete confidence in the commitment being made by the bride and groom. And, I should add, that this wedding has been planned with an incredible attention to detail. My dress showed up in my room at home labeled with my name and the wedding "monogram." So cute. Hopefully it fits...

Did I mention that one of my oldest and dearest friends is ready-to-pop pregnant? I was hoping and hoping that she wouldn't give birth early last week and that I would have a chance to see her before the big event, and I did. She looks amazing, and even well rested (for now), and her little boy will be born within a week, which means I will get to meet him fresh from the oven! I am beyond thrilled.

So, in the course of twelve days I will see two dear friends make huge life transitions, I will be making a fairly big one myself, and I think we are going to Disneyland. The only thing that is a bit sad about this trip is that with all of that going on I won't have time to make the rounds and see everyone. So, if I don't call know that it isn't because I don't love you, it's because I'm getting my dress altered, or attending a bridesmaids luncheon, visiting a brand spanking new baby, or running around UCLA. I may even be spending a little quality time with Tommy...providing I can wrest him away from his Jjajja (unlikely). But don't worry, Kevin and Colleen are getting married in a month, which means that when I leave I will barely have time to unpack and readjusted to the humidity and 90 plus degree heat before it's time to get back on a plane again. And so, the whirlwind continues...


  1. Wow, congrats on finishing and filing your dissertation!! It's been a long effort. I look forward to seeing you next month and I hope you have a great time here in Cali, being in the wedding and seeing the new baby.

  2. I would love to see pictures of Zachary and the wedding!
