Saturday 14 August 2010

We're Back...

Well, our trip to California was certainly eventful. As expected, my friend got married (the wedding was beautiful), I got to see baby Zach (adorable and so so tiny), and I got my doctorate (still unreal). Sadly, I have almost no pictures to share because I generally rely on my Mom's camera while we are home and I use the Flip. I left the Flip in my parents kitchen, and I forgot to transfer pics from my mom's I have almost nothing.

The whole trip is a bit of a blur, because we were so darn busy. A bit too busy. I hardly saw anyone, we didn't get to the beach, and I barely had time to squeeze in a trip to In-n-out and then my burger was all wrong (with no time to ask them to fix it). It wasn't exactly a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad trip (shout out to Alexander), because of the aforementioned exciting events, but it was not relaxing. Poor Tommy, who is usually so easy-going, was a basket-case by the end of the week because he missed me. I felt awful. But, enough griping, we made it back safely and I am almost all unpacked.

I enjoy having a bit of "free" time now that every waking moment isn't being consumed by my dissertation (as was the case for the last month or so). Unfortunately, I find myself facing a large mountain of things I put off because I was so focused on the dissertation. I am currently excavating my desk, organizing some things, trying to sort out adoption paperwork, running long overdue errands, attempting to do the regular cooking, cleaning, gardening, and of course, chasing after a highly energetic two year old. I think I could handle it fairly easily if it weren't 95 degrees out.

If only it were a dry heat...

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