Sunday 18 July 2010

Summer Read Update

Last week I was awakened by some loud chanting. I open my eyes to see a book about three inches from my face, bobbing up and down, while Tommy repeated "read, reading prize."

So yes, he is still into the reading program at the library. Every time we drive passed the library, he yells "reading prize! reading prize!" I'm not sure how I am going to explain the lack of prizes when this program ends. But, at least we know that he enjoys reading and is motivated by competition. He's my son.

Today we turned in his completion sheet, which means that he has done the whole program three times now. His fish is looking good- covered with stickers. The two guys who were entering the minutes were talking about it as they put his in, and one mentioned that he is currently the number one pre-reader. I responded that it was too bad there wasn't a prize for that, but at least we knew for our pride. He handed me the completion sheet to put on our refrigerator. Later, I repeated this conversation to Aunt Emily and she let me know that "Pride is the best prize of all-this is the Cox family way."

We have no idea where we stand in the overall minutes competition. All of that is a secret. I haven't decided whether or not it is even possible for us to be in the running, given that I have to read all of Tommy's minutes to him, and that I don't exactly have hours of free time to make up for Tommy not being able to read for hours on end by himself like he might if he were both capable of reading and slightly anti-social. But, whether we win the big prizes or not, at least we will have gotten a ton of free taco coupons from Chipotle, and as Aunt Emily reminded us, we always have our pride.

1 comment:

  1. are those huckleberry-finn-length cut off jeans he's sporting?!
