Monday 12 July 2010

Aquarium Trip

Tommy and I might be a bit crazy. And this blog post is a bit out of order.

On Friday morning before we went on our long road trip Tommy and I made a trip to the aquarium to meet some friends. We planned the play date before the big trip, and it was with some friends we hadn't seen in a long time (we don't live close anymore) so we wanted to keep the appointment. Also, I reasoned that an exciting morning might induce some napping during the trip. It worked.

We had a great time. One of Tommy's many favorite books is one where Curious George goes to an aquarium, so he did have a good point of reference for the concept, and was excited to see some of George's favorite birds- penguins- there, although, he preferred the little penguin-themed play area to the actual birds. He also really liked the dolphins, and enjoyed seeing them do their jumps during the show.

After we finished with the aquarium we had a picnic lunch and watched the boats. Tommy saw a man in a small boat and yelled "Man Overboard!"- a line from one of his pirate books. Here are some picks from our fun day:


  1. Another enjoyable post.

    Love Dad

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day! I love the aquarium but I haven't been there forever.
