Friday 11 June 2010

CareNet Walk

For a few months now Tommy's mom has been heavy on my heart. I don't know if it was Mother's Day, the upcoming birthday of the baby we didn't come home from the hospital with, the sputtering start of our second adoption journey, or some other cause, but I have been thinking about her and praying for her a lot lately.

One of the things that bothers me most is knowing that if she had a support system available to her maybe she wouldn't have chosen not to parent Tommy. I don't know. We have no insight into why she made her decision. In fact, for all we know she passed away during childbirth and couldn't have parented Tommy.

I am (obviously) an ardent supporter of adoption. We hope that our family will continue to grow through adoption. The decision of a parent to place a child for adoption is often complicated, but it should not be forced by a lack of financial resources. There is no pain in the world like leaving the hospital without a child you want to take home. No one should suffer that pain unless they have made a thoughtful, informed choice.

To that end, Tommy and I have decided to participate in the annual CareNet DuPage walk. CareNet provides pregnancy testing and counseling to women experiencing unexpected pregnancies. They help women who choose to continue their pregnancies find the resources they need to move forward. It isn't enough for us to save the lives of the unborn- we need to help young moms who choose life and who choose to raise their child find the resources they need to do a great job. CareNet helps women do that.

On Saturday, June 19 we will be walking in honor of Tommy's first/birthmom. She cared for him for nine months- and I'm told she did a good job because he was quite a big and healthy little boy when he was born (all the yucky stuff came later from the orphanage). I don't know why she did not choose to parent Tommy. I can only hope that the decision was not forced on her.

If you would like to support us in this endeavor, our fundraising page is here:

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