Thursday 20 May 2010


It's hard to believe it's been two years since our world turned upside down. Two years since we first heard the words "potters syndrome." Two years since the phrase "incompatible with life" impacted my life. Two years since we walked home from the doctor's stunned, weeping, crushed. Two years since we had to call our family and friends and relay the news that our baby would not live long past birth.

Some days it is hard to believe that we ever walked this path. That I cradled a dying child in my womb. That we watched her die in our arms. That we lost a daughter. Sometimes it seems so unbelievable that that was our life. That it is our life.

But, today, as the tears flow, I am very sure that it is.


  1. :-(

    I think of you and Leah often during this time of the year.

  2. Love you and I am looking forward to our reunion in heaven.

  3. Leah was loved so much and she is certainly missed

  4. lots of love to you both...
