Saturday 8 May 2010

Anticipating Mother's Day

This will be my third Mother's Day as a mother, but the first with a little one in my arms. I am so excited! We have some really fun things planned for the day, but mostly I am looking forward to spending the day being (mostly) happy.

Mother's Day is so hard when you don't have your child with you. The day will still be a little sad for us, because of course we will miss Leah, but also because we will be thinking of Tommy's first mom. She has been on my mind more than usual lately, and my heart just aches for her, knowing that she does not know that Tommy ended up in a loving home. The thing I pray most often for her is that God would give her peace and comfort as she lives without her son, and that she would know that Tommy is safe and cared for.

Our family is only together because a family was first broken. We live in that reality every day, but on days like Mother's Day it is a little more real.

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