Thursday 15 April 2010

Tommy's Birthday

Well, Tommy had a good day. A really good day.

This morning he woke up to a special surprise- Jjaja and Poppa sleeping on our futon!

Next up, a special breakfast, then a trip to the Morton Arboretum.

We were all blown away by how great the children's garden there is. He had a blast throwing rocks, playing in the water, going down the slides, running across the bridges, and playing in the music garden.

We stayed there way longer than we intended, but it was completely worth it.

For dinner we went to the all-aboard diner. He had so much fun watching the trains, and, of course, having a train bring him dinner.

He wasn't into the ice-cream though. Too cold! Oh well, plenty of time for ice-cream later...


  1. I'm so glad your mom and dad were able to be there! Can you believe your baby is 2?

  2. Ahhhh Happy Birthday to Tommy!! What a fun way to celebrate. =0) So glad you all had fun!
