Tuesday 6 April 2010


Well, Tommy's first Easter in America was quite an event.

We started with a family breakfast: gf pancakes for Tommy, and caramel-apple French toast for Mum and Dad. (Food pictures posted in honor of Auntie Colleen).

Tommy's plate

Daddy's plate


First, you have to find your basket.

Where could it be?

There it is!

Then a little Easter egg hunt in the backyard. Including the discovery of jelly beans.

Easter eggs!

Next church, followed by another Easter egg hunt in the backyard.


Over to Dave and Julie's for food, fun, playing with the dogs, AND another Easter egg hunt.

Mmmm... Mum made caramel-apple cheese cake for dessert

What a day!


  1. mmm...wish I could reach through that screen and get that pie! :0) The pics are so cute of him and his easter basket!

  2. How fun! I loved your last post too.

  3. HAHA !! Loving the food pictures :-) They rock!! It looks like you guys had a great day praising the Lord and building family memories. Love you!

  4. Aw! Looks like you guys had a wonderful Easter:) So fun to see Tommy hunting for eggs w a big smile on his face. Also, I hope you make a caramel apple cheesecake (or french toast, whatever works) next time we're home at the same time;)

  5. Love it! Looks like such a fun Easter Sunday! That green monkey is awesome too. Glad you, Daddy and Tommy had an awesome day!
