Thursday 29 April 2010


For the last day of Poppa's visit, I decided we should go to Cantigny, because I knew my Dad would enjoy the 1st Infantry museum, and I knew Tommy enjoys it there, so win-win. Unfortunately, the last day of Dad's visit was a Monday, and of course, museums are closed on Mondays, which I remembered as we drove in the gates of Cantigny and saw the sign reminding visitors that the museums are closed on Mondays.

Happily, Cantigny is a big place. They have a nice playground and picnic area where Tommy played with Jjaja and Poppa for the remainder of the morning. We had a picnic lunch, then went over to the tanks, where Poppa and Tommy played while Mom and I went for a walk of the gardens. When we got back we found out that my peace-loving boy had quickly abandoned the tanks in favor of sitting by a waterfall. So Dad and Tommy ended up spending a good half an hour just watching water fall. We left early and went down to the Naperville Riverwalk and strolled around for the rest of the afternoon. After that we put Poppa on a plane. Tommy was very sad to see him go, and so were the rest of us.


  1. That place looks beautiful, Amy. So glad you enjoyed a great day together with your Dad.

  2. These are great pictures of Tommy with the grandparents. Wow, what pretty places, too!

  3. 10 times prettier and more peaceful than the meditation garden my friends and I stumbled on last May! Beautiful! I'm glad Tommy got to spend some quality time with his Papa there!
