Thursday 11 February 2010

File this under: "Things that did not go so well"

So, we took Tommy to a barber for a haircut. Jeff cut his hair down to bald once using clippers, and it went fine. However, my sister is getting married this weekend and a certain someone is a ring bearer, so we wanted to keep some hair but make it even and we weren't sure if we were up to the task.

First we had to find someone that we could trust. We had a place picked out but the barber wasn't in today so we went on something of a wild goose chase to find another place.

Mum got a bit of a talking-to from the barber about the state of Tommy's hair. The adjective nappy may have been used- and here I thought I was doing such a good job. Anyway, Tommy did not care for having his hair picked out, nor did he particularly enjoy the clipping. But you can see for yourself:

The final product and a very patient barber:


  1. AHHH! Love the pictures! Poor little guy. =0) It looks like he got a very nice haircut. Can't wait to see you all at the wedding! =0)

  2. He is so cute!

    I've been enjoying this website:

    I wish I had some kids to try it out on! Good luck. :)

  3. haha! So funny. Where did you go?

    Deken goes for his first official 'hair cut' tonight. We'll see how it goes!

  4. the first picture is priceless..."You want to do WHAT?!"

  5. You can tell he knew something was up when the barber tied him into the seat LOL!
